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Acacia jibberdingensis

5th December 2018

The Jibberding Wattle comes from Western Australia where it grows into a large shrub or small tree. It flirted briefly with the genus Racosperma (as did taxonomists) but it has returned safely to Acacia for the moment. It tolerates occasional frosts in habit, down to -7degC, so it might grow in a sheltered position outside or with some protection.
This picture shows the true leaves produced by seedlings, as the growth matures it abandons leaves in favour of flattened phyllodes (stems).
I was given a few seedlings and they grew into interesting, leafless twiggy things, sadly this seems to be the only picture that I took. They have been dying off bit by bit along the way. I think I probably keep them too moist and they are certainly underpotted. There might be a better picture in the spring!