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Agave americana 'Marginata'

11th July 2014

I remember growing this in the 1970's but I have no idea what happened to the plant. Since then I have grown it a number of times, losing it to cold a few times but more often losing it to neglect. Finally I planted one in the Agave house and it is growing in leaps and bounds.
When I first moved to Cornwall one of the local wonders was a large plant growing in the tiny front garden of a local cottage. It was substantially larger than the garden could really accommodate and the heavy, rigid, spiny leaves hung out over the front wall to introduce themselves in a friendly fashion to the unwary. Eventually it flowered, a giant spike of magnificence, and it died. It wasn't replaced.
Mine is still young, but growing in a much smaller space so there is a problem in the pipeline. A problem that I am going to whistle gaily and ignore!

21st December 2016

Being slowly engulfed by a Bomarea.