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Alocasia odora 'Yunnan'

11th August 2006

Also sometimes listed as Alocasia odora "Blue Stem". This has been described as a hardier form of Alocasia odora but I haven't had it long enough to make a definative comment. The green Alocasia odora grows fast and survives winter undamaged in my cold conservatory (usually just above 0 degrees celsius). This form was looking really poorly in December this year in the conservatory, and was brought indoors to stand on a windowsill to protect it.

12th September 2006

14th September 2007

When it first appeared on the market, this was touted as a hardier form of A.odora, but it took the winter badly, and is only slowly recovering.

5th November 2008

It has become clear that this is not as good as the 'typical' A.odora. It has taken an age to start growing this year, and with winter closing in it had still only just produced a decent leaf. Probably needs a spell in the heat in spring to get it going.