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Asarum shuttleworthii v harperi 'Eco Dark Heartlet'

A native of south eastern USA. This compact form with silver netted leaves was selected by Don Jacobs.

I prefer to keep these Asarums from the southern states free from frost until they establish, and in smaller pots than their root systems seem to require. New root growth can be very sluggish, and if the compost remains moist for too long it becomes stagnant and the plants will suddenly collapse and die. It is better to keep them in a very free draining compost, and it doesn't generally hurt them to dry out to the point of wilting rather than keep them too wet.

7th May 2006

6th May 2007

This one really got its toes into the pot and burgeoned during the year. If it continues to do this, it will be an outstanding selection.

6th May 2007