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Aspidistra zongbayi

Archive entry 18.03.06

I have only just obtained this plant from Bob Brown at Cotswold Garden Flowersas A.zongbayena. In the Online Flora of China it is listed as Aspidistra zongbayi, but I assume they are the same thing. I haven't yet had time to check that it matches the description.

It hasn't really established in the pot, but it has produced a flower, which seemed worth recording for later reference.

I finally settled down to checking it's identity, and find that it agrees with the description in the Online Flora of China in all respects, save for having eight corolla lobes and eight stamens instead of the six recorded.

14th January 2007

This year it has produced flowers with six corolla lobes, which is reassuring.

27th November 2008

27th November 2008

25th January 2009

2nd December 2017