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A fairly nondescript bromeliad that has become famous in recent years because it has been labelled 'carnivorous'. Like all tank bromeliads, it catches a lot of stuff in the rosette
and it has been shown that it can absorb the nutrients from its armpit soup through scales on its leaves.
One of those interesting plants that is rather poorly served by sensationsalist terms like 'carnivorous' which tend to lead to an 'is-it-or-isn't-it' debate that distracts attention
from what the plant is actually doing to survive (on low nutient white sand soils in Venezuela and Guiana).
Incidentally, it hasn't just beamed down to a horticultural bomb site - I took the picture just after I had mover the Hedychiums out of this greenhouse and into a purpose
built shangri-la of their own (with enough head room to keep them from stooping).