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Camellia 'Ariel's Song'

7th January 2016

Well, the spelling is still a matter of debate. I got it as 'Arial Song' but I have been convinced otherwise.
A small flowered hybrid between C. fraterna and C. tsaii, resembling both parents. It flowers well in the greenhouse at present, it will go outside when I have a protected space.

27th March 2019

The International Camellia register says:

"New Zealand Camellia Bulletin, 1990, vol.XVI, No.5, p.42, Reg. No.270: Mrs A.B. Durrant, Rotorua, made a controlled cross pollination of C.fraterna x C.tsaii to produce this hybrid which flowered first in 1973. The plant has upright growth but pendulous branches and an open habit with a medium growth rate. The leaves are 9 cm long x 3 cm wide and light green. The single flowers are 4 cm across x 2.5 cm deep with 5 petals, white with gold anthers on white filaments. Blooms mid-season to late. Multiple budset in leaf axils."