Camellia 'Betty Sheffield'
21st April 2006
A pretty pale pink flower with a white edge. Makes a compact shrub with deep green glossy leaves. The pale flowers can end up looking like polka-dots on an elephant.
8th April 2007
30th March 2008
3rd April 2009
1st May 2010
11th May 2013
12th May 2016
The International Camellia register says:
" A seedling of Mrs F.L. Gibson, planted 1944 and grown by Mrs A.B. Sheffield, Thomasville, Georgia, USA. A most unstable camellia with a great number of sports, many often sporting on to other forms. "
27th March 2019
It was getting too big...
8th November 2019
... so I reduced it a little. I don't think it will flower this year.
W. J. Bean, Trees and Shrubs Hardy in the British Isles, Eighth edition.
International Camellia Society online Camellia register,