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Camellia 'Donation'

Pale pink and rather dwarf, but as it gets older it becomes a little less gummed up with pinkness and starts to spread out a bit.

8th April 2007

29th March 2009

11th March 2012

16th April 2016

19th March 2016

A popular, floriferous and moderately compact cultivar raised at Borde Hill from a cross between C. saluenensis and 'Donckelaeri' The International Camellia Register says:

"The large, rounded flowers are a lovely shade of pink. Exhibited by Col. Stephenson R. Clarke, C.B. Borde Hill, Sussex, England. The bloom is pale orchid pink, flushed and veined Red-Purple Group 64D, large semi-double. Vigorous, compact growth. Flowers mid-season."

Received an Award of Merit when exhibited at the Royal Horticultural Society in 1941.


  • International Camellia Society online Camellia register, https://internationalcamellia.org