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Camellia 'Elsie Jury'

29th May 2006

A vigorous , tall slim hybrid. It makes a really nice shrub, but the flowers are just too artificial to love.

29th May 2006

8th April 2007

22nd April 2007

3rd April 2009

Planted so long ago that I lost track of the name. For a long time I thought is was 'Inspiration' , which probably means I found a label where the 's' was still legible!
This year I have been trying to sort out the names of some of the old shrubs in the garden, and this assumption was finally corrected.

9th May 2010

In an ideal world the garden would be filled with delightful shrubs. This is a practical shrub. It is a bit tall and gaunt but I am planning to remove the trees around it soon and it will probably fill out when it gets more light. It will be much more appealing as a denser evergreen shrub and it will also flower more freely, so it is a mixed blessing.

17th May 2013

This very morning I have removed the trees that surrounded it. Now I think she will spread to be as wide as she is tall.
Raised by Les Jury, a deliberate hybrid between C. saluenensis and C. japonica 'Pukekura'.

24th April 2019


  • International Camellia Society online Camellia register, https://internationalcamellia.org