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Camellia 'Hagoromo' (syn 'Magnoliaeflora')

1st March 2009

One of the varieties I planted in the garden when I first moved here, but I lost it (first in the sense of misplaced, and then in the sense of killed) so I was pleased to replace it this spring. I planted it out to make sure it didn't get misplaced for a second time, which accounts for the soil trapped in the flower. Not quite sure how I did that, but there it is.

11th April 2015

A very old Japanese cultivar, one of a number that have been called 'Hagoromo', when it was imported into Italy in 1886 it was renamed 'Magnoliaeflora'. Award of Merit from the RHS in 1953.

15th April 2018


  • W. J. Bean, Trees and Shrubs Hardy in the British Isles, Eighth edition.
  • International Camellia Society online Camellia register, https://internationalcamellia.org