Camellia x williamsii 'Simon Bolitho'
3rd February 2009
I have had two plants for a long time - I bought two rooted cuttings in 2002 and planted them on either side of a gateway, and they have slowly inched upwards.
No flowers yet, but the leaves are impressive in the snow.
4th March 2012
A seedling raised at Trengwainton. It is a single, but with some extra petals and some frilling. My plants are growing on top of a wall and that has possibly
reduced their vigour. When I planted them I had a vision that they would tower up and ach over at some distant time. That time is still distant. A decade
after I planted them, they are about three feet tall.
11th May 2013
27th February 2019
International Camellia Society online Camellia register,