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Camellia 'Tricolor'

Archive entry 22.01.12

28th April 2006

I have both of these forms as 'Tricolor', and they are obviously not the same. I like the bloodshot excess of this limp, rather world weary form. I was once taught Latin by a schoolmaster with the same demeanour who had retreated from preppy enthusiasm into a land of whisky and sarcasm.

28th April 2006

This is the one with the preppy enthusiasm (fancy)! Dulce et decorum est ... (so get on with it). Bring on the whisky.

13th March 2011

13th March 2013

29 March 2018

I have two distinct plants labelled 'Tricolor' in the garden. The first is a simple, almost single flower and I think it is probably the true owner of the name. I also have this precise double flowered plant which I think may be the original clone of 'Lady Vansittart'.


  • International Camellia Society online Camellia register, https://internationalcamellia.org