5th October 2008
I have been trying to track down a name for this, without anything that could be mistaken for conspicuous success. I got it from Bob Brown
as Tibouchina sp. RCB RA-X-4. I am fairly certain that it is a Centradenia, and I have seen them before, offered as filler
plants for pots and hanging basket. Tolerant of sun and drought, unfortunately rather like Cistus they get a lot of twiggy growth
that seems to fill space without producing sustained flower power.
I have vague memories of growing something like it as a teenager, along with such obscurities as Torenia and Nicandra, but I may be hallucinating
, which has been one of the unexpected benefits of advancing age!
14th April 2009
I was amazed when it resprouted after the winter we have had, but unfortunately the shoot died off quite rapidly.