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Clematis stans

1st September 2016

I was given a seedling and potted it up, stood it by the greenhouse door and promptly forgot it was there. A couple of years later I was mystified by a spray of pale blue flowers. Fortunately it was labelled with its origin or I would have assumed that the Clematis pixies had been playing jokes on me.

7th September 2017

8th August 2020

One of the strange herbaceous/shrubby species producing fresh stems every year that sprawl upward for a few feet if there is some support available. Introduced from Japan in 1860 and slightly scented . I don't notice it as I walk through the door - yes, it is still there.
I like it, but Christopher Lloyd didn't. He described it as a floppy species "carrying flowers of a spitefully non-contributory off-white, skimmed milk colouring." I like it more than that but I still haven't found anywhere better to plant it.


  • http:www//clematisontheweb.org
  • Christopher Lloyd - Clematis, Collins 1977.