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Corydalis solida

Archive entry 27.03.11 Archive entry 10.03.13 Archive entry 31.08.14 Archive entry 20.03.16 Archive entry 18.03.18
Archive entry 03.03.19 Archive entry 17.03.24 Archive entry 16.03.25

27th March 2011

Corydalis solida has survived in the woodland for a few years now and I thought that I should add a few more plants and see if it could be persuaded to spread. I bought a few lilac and purple seedlings and have planted them out in the hope that something wonderful will happen.

16th April 2016

One of the purple seedlings planted in the woodland where it is almost invisible in flower.

19th March 2019

This is the first plant that I bought, planted in the snowdrop beds as a trial to see if the species would survive my garden conditions. It has been prospering and has a quiet charm in spring.
The species has a very wide distribution from Northern Europe to Asia growing in light woodland but alsoin the open in well drained soils that dry in summer.