x Cuprocyparis leylandii
Archive entry 24.02.13
Archive entry 09.02.14
Archive entry 16.02.14
Archive entry 18.01.15
Archive entry 08.12.24
3rd February 2009
My favourite windbreak trees, even if I do have to cut them down occasionally.
2nd March 2013
Over the years things move around in the garden. A few years ago the herbaceous border was moved about ten feet sideways
(for dull practical reasons). As a consequence this Leyland was left growing in the middle of it and I was reluctant to
remove it in case the border moved back again. I had finally decided that it would have to go, and prevaricated through the winter
until it was too late to do anything about it for the year ( I could just about get away with felling it on top of a dormant border, but it
isn't possible once things are growing). My hand was forced by a big wind overnight that knocked it down and left me to clear away
the carcass.
The stump will have to stay there for a bit, I haven't got the time or the energy to dig it out at the moment. If it starts to look offensive
I will decorate it with a smug Clematis and call it a "feature". If I was talented enough I would have saved the top six feet and
carved it into the shape if a pole with a wooden Clematis growing up it, which would have been much funnier.
17th January 2015
I don't know why I always seem to feature the Leylands when they are felled, but there is something quite magnificent about them on
the ground, and desperately sad at the same time.
18th January 2020
There are a number of places in the garden that are dominated by the dense shade of the Leylands. From time to time I take one down and let in a bit more light
but I am slow to remove them all. When I moved here they were the only thing that survived the wind and still provided some protection. I would also have a constant fight to control brambles in the garden
without their influence, so they are still useful.