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Cyclamen hederifolium

Archive entry 02.08.09 Archive entry 20.09.09 Archive entry 31.07.11 Archive entry 05.08.12 Archive entry 25.08.13
Archive entry 03.08.14 Archive entry 24.07.16 Archive entry 16.07.17 Archive entry 29.07.18 Archive entry 02.09.18
Archive entry 28.07.19 Archive entry 26.07.20 Archive entry 01.11.20 Archive entry 08.08.21 Archive entry 30.07.23
Archive entry 30.06.24

6th September 2006

Naturalised under the trees, I wish it would spread around a bit faster, but it is trying. In recent years, I have been adding the deepest coloured seedlings that I can find, and any that have leaf patterns I like. It all looks rather mixed up.

28th July 2007 12th August 2012 22nd October 2020

30th August 2008

It can be really fantastic when conditions suit it. This is the effect I am trying for under the trees, though this picture was taken at Wisley.

13th September 2009 3rd October 2015 25th August 2018