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Dermatobotrys saundersii

Archive entry 24.10.10
Archive entry 09.03.14
Archive entry 07.12.14
Archive entry 15.11.15

22nd October 2009

There is a strange pleasure in running into a plant that is completely unfamiliar. In this case it was a question of buy it first, find out about it later.
It turns out to be a spectacular red flowered epiphytic shrublet from South Africa. So far I have had green leaves!

24th October 2010

I am quite delighted that it has come into flower, I was watching to buds grow every day with mounting excitement. It is a childlike thing but wonderful.
Unfortunately a month after this picture was taken we had the first snow followed by the longest sustained freeze I can remember, and died. I had hoped for a shoot from the base once the spring came, but it wasn't to happen. I still have the stump in a pot at the back of the greenhouse in case it is a late starter!
I was very happy when I was able to buy a seedling in spring to replace it. It will be coming into the house this year!

28th August 2011

13th January 2017