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Dianthus 'Eileen Lever'

6th April 2017

I have long accepted that I would have to let go of Dianthus in Cornwall. They are plants of the dry and sunny south of the Mediterranean. Breeders may have changed them beyond recognition and stretched the cultivation boundaries a little, but they are still essentially built for lounging on sunbeds rather than snorkelling in bogs.
That said, tiny things are fascinating and Dianthus are no exception.
So I find myself from time to time gazing into the elfin shop window of the genus, dribbling like a fee fi fo fum giant.
'Eileen Lever' is such a temptation, raised at Aberconwy Nursery in North Wales. Perhaps if I keep it in the alpine house with a decent air-flow I might get to see the bright pink single flowers. It's worth a try.

7th June 2018