Epimedium alpinum
Archive entry 22.04.12
Archive entry 12.05.13
28th April 2012
A vigorous European species that was grow by John Gerard in his London garden as he recorded in the first (1597)
edition of the Herbal. He says:
"It groweth in the moist meadowes of Italie about Bononia and Vincentia: it groweth in my garden.
It flowreth in April and May when it hath taken fast hold, and settled it selfe in the earth a yeere before.
11th May 2013
2nd May 2020
Barker, David G. - Epimedium and other herbaceous Berberidaceae, Hardy Plant Society, 1997
Stearn, William T. - Epimedium, 2002.
Gerard, John - The Herball, 1597.