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Eucomis comosa

A splendid tough bulbous perennial. The flowers are variably tinged with pink. A great many forms have been selected and named, and a few of them are truly excellent.

1st August 2006

24th August 2007

17th August 2008

16th August 2009

22nd August 2010

17th August 2017

My bulb is now growing outside and the colour of the flower is much deeper as a result.
I find it strange that some genera attract my attention and others don't. Eucomis are fascinating but the differences between the cultivars selected from E.comosa are slight for the most part. Lately I have been allowing the new cultivars to pass me by until it is clear there is some significance to their variation. In part the new laissez-faire attitude has been inspired by the endless seedlings popping up in pots in every slight variation of colour. I can see no value in naming them all, but I believe there may be people out there who do, and who are working diligently towards that end. Sanity may return with the passing of time. Sanity, perspective, forgetfulness - any of them would do.