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Excoecaria cochinchinensis 'Variegated'

18th July 2011

There is a strange pleasure in running across a plant and having no idea what it is. Not just a plant I don't know (there are thousands of those) but a plant where I have no idea where to start with an identification. Someone else identified this for me and I was suitably awestruck by their knowledge.
A variegated form of a tree from Southeast Asia (which might be called 'Firestorm'), I have been told that it will tolerate the sort of moderate frosts that occur here in a normal year. I will try it first in the greenhouse, and see how it goes.

3rd July 2013

I have planted it in the greenhouse and at present (September) I am determined that it will remain there through the winter. I may lose my nerve.

16th January 2016

It hasn't been a strong grower, and it is probably too dry in the Agave house, but it is still with me. I should root some suttings and try it in a moister greenhouse where it might grow more vigorously through the summer.

29th October 2018