Ficaria verna 'Aurantiacus'
Archive entry 14.12.08
Archive entry 14.02.10
9th December 2004
A plant that probably originates from E.A.Bowles, though he may have obtained it from Kew, who
in turn may have obtained it from Miss Alethea Robson, who found it near Windsor in 1932.
I keep this name as well as 'Cupreus' - they are usually judged to be the same thing
, but my plants seem to be marginally different.
It is a magnificently coloured plant, and one of the first to flower at the start of the year,
although it is hardly at its best on a grey day in February. A month later, with the sun on it, the colour
is radiant.
For a long time this was the only orange form about, but recently breeders have been introducing others
to great effect.
26th March 2005
26th March 2005
26th March 2005
6th February 2006
11th March 2007
30th March 2008
20th February 2009
25th March 2012
11th March 2015
27th March 2020