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Fuchsia 'Whiteknights Pearl'

Archive entry 23.06.13
Archive entry 10.08.14

12th December 2008

One of John Wright's early hybrids, raised while he was at the University of Reading. Raised from Fuchsia magellanica 'Molinae' and Fuchsia fulgens, this generation barely shows the influence of the latter species other than having larger flowers than former parent.
F. magellanica 'Molinae' x (F. magellanica 'Molinae' x F. fulgens).

6th October 2014

I grow 'Whiteknight Pearl' and 'Whiteknights Blush', both registered in 1980 and both very similar. I think that 'Whiteknights Pearl' has shorter sepals than 'Whiteknights Blush', compared with the length of the tube, and 'Whiteknights Blush' is pinker throughout the flower but both plants vary slightly according to conditions (particularly light level).

25th February 2020

14th September 2021

My established plant it looking very sick and I have been uncertain that it was correctly named for some time so this year I bought a new plant that seems to have chunkier flowers.