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Galanthus elwesii

Archive entry 18.01.09
Archive entry 06.12.09
Archive entry 17.11.23

12th February 2009

There are a few examples of the species growing around the garden. They tend to die out after a couple of years so I am looking for a drier sunny location to see if they prefer it.

6th February 2011

Over the last couple of years I have been planting my odd bulbs in pots and planters around the place, and they seem to prefer being slightly raised in a free draining compost.
I tend to pick up odd plants in garden centres, whenever I see something with attractive markings on the inner segments, so they are a varied bunch.
The markings on the inner segments vary enormously. Those with a single small green mark on the inner segments are grouped as var. monostictus, all the more complex arrangements are treated as , though at times the distinction is not entirely clear.

22nd January 2012

4th February 2017