Galanthus 'Ginns Imperati'
Archive entry 24.01.16
Archive entry 17.01.21
Archive entry 22.12.24
20th February 2010
The name "Imperati" has been applied since the end of the 19th century to large flowered snowdrops
from southern Italy. Strictly speaking these are forms of G.nivalis, and so many different clones
were introduced that the attachment of the name has become rather loose.
This clone was distributed by Ron Ginns in Northamptonshire and is said to have been collected by
Robert Gathorne-Hardy near Rome.
It has been quite common in cultivation for a couple of decades but this is the first time I have
grown it myself. The picture shows it shortly after I bought it in the green. Planted out in the garden
it has come back strongly in 2011 so I think it has established.
22nd January 2012
1st January 2018
22nd January 2021