Galanthus plicatus 'Wendys Gold'
Archive entry 15.02.09
Archive entry 09.02.25
2nd February 2008
A good yellow form of the species that was found in Wandlebury Ring in 1973, and has eventually increased enough to mean that plants are available.
My bulb is still sitting in a pot. It would do better if I had the courage to plant it out.
20th February 2009
5th March 2011
I planted it out, worried about it for a year, and now it is prospering.
3rd March 2012
12th March 2014
28th January 2018
21st February 2021
Bishop, M., A.Davis and J.Grimshaw. Snowdrops, A monograph on cultivated Galanthus. Griffin Press Publishing ltd. 2001 (reprinted 2006).