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Galanthus Warley Place Group

Archive entry 18.02.07
Archive entry 09.03.14
Archive entry 21.02.21
Archive entry 27.02.22
Archive entry 02.03.25

3rd March 2007

A couple of decades ago I collected a handful of bulbs from Ellen Willmott's abandoned garden at Warley Place (with the permission of the Essex Naturalists Trust). They were trying to identify the plants that were growing there, and these few bulbs were quite interesting, but not immediately identifiable. I planted them out under some trees, and they have increased. I think I have two different clones, but there is possibly a third mixed in as well. They all fit into the general outline of G.plicatus ssp byzantinus. For reference, I call this 'Warley Place A'.

3rd March 2007

I think I have two different clones, but there is possibly a third mixed in as well. They all fit into the general outline of G.plicatus ssp byzantinus. I call ths one 'Warley Place B', and am slowly dividing it from the mixed clump.

6th February 2008

10th February 2008

20th February 2009

1st March 2009

7th March 2010

26th February 2011

18th February 2012

3rd March 2012

After spending several years selecting out clones from a group that were clearly producing seedlings I have given up. They are all good, and I now refer to them as the Warley Place Group.

22nd February 2018

28th February 2018

27th February 2021


  • Bishop, M., A.Davis and J.Grimshaw. Snowdrops, A monograph on cultivated Galanthus. Griffin Press Publishing ltd. 2001 (reprinted 2006).