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Hyacinthoides non-scripta

Archive entry 17.05.15
Archive entry 12.05.19
Archive entry 03.05.20
Archive entry 16.05.21
Archive entry 01.05.22
Archive entry 08.05.22
Archive entry 14.05.23
Archive entry 12.05.24

3rd May 2008

The wild Bluebell is a wonderful thing, and fortunately there are still a few corners in the garden where it can prosper unhindered by my perpetual meddling.

22nd May 2009

When I first came to this garden, the Bluebells were confined to the hedges. I planted a lot of trees to provide some shelter from the wind, and although the tree cover established, the Bluebells were very slow to spread. I know it can be a troublesome weed but I still fancied the idea of a shimmer of blue at the end of the woodland flower season so I collected a bucket of seed from the margins of the garden. It sat on my desk for about nine months while I was uncertain - by that time I had started to plant some rather choice things under the trees and I wasn't sure about adding Bluebells. In the end, I needed space (and the seed was looking mouldy and starting to smell) so I went out and scattered it.
It started to flower in the third year, and is slowly getting better, but I have also started to dig out the bulbs where I need to plant, and throw them in the hedge. Something satisfyingly circular about that.

25th May 2013

Somewhere along the way I seem to have been punctured. Perhaps it was something I did when I was reckless and young but as the years have passed the youth has slowly dripped away and I am left standing on the side of the meadow in the May sunshine, enjoying the bluebells.
If I were to find the energy to frolic, this is where I would do it.

15th May 2021