Mahonia 'Arthur Menzies'
25th December 2014
An American hybrid raised at the Washington Park Arboretum in Seattle on the shores of Lake Washington.
In 1961 Arther Menzies working at the Strybing Arboretum in San Francisco sent seedlings from Mahonia oiwakensis lomariifolia to Washinmghton Park Arboretum.
One of them appeared to be a hybrid and survived cold winter temperatures that killed the sister seedlings. The other parent is thought to be M. bealei.
It is very like the M.x media hybrids but in the garden here is has made a more compact, stouter bush and as it has matured it has been more striking in flower
than any of the M. x media cultivars that I grow.
1st December 2018
23rd December 2021