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Mahonia x media 'Charity'

Archive entry 25.11.05
Archive entry 05.12.10
Archive entry 28.11.21

10th December 2006

The commonest of the hybrid Mahonias, but to be honest they are all pretty much indistinguishable in general use. Starts flowering at the end of october, and keeps going through the winter. More or less finished by the new year, in time for the M.japonica season to start.

2nd November 2008

As the shrubs mature they develop a leaning, flowing growth that is at odds with their brittle and prickly youth.

14th November 2009

In the early 1950's a number of hybrid seedlings between M. japonica and M.oiwakensis lomariifolia were raised at Slieve Donard Nursery in Northern Ireland. Some were sent to Savill Gardens where this one was selected and named by Sir Eric Savill and Mr Hope Findlay.

11th November 2010

I have this one planted on a steep slope, where it does a good job maintaning a difficult site.

10th November 2012

'Charity' is usually the first of the forms to flower here. Shortish racemes are clustered at the tips of the shoots and although some lie flat and some stick straight up, the general impression is that they shoot out at 45 degrees. They also tend to flop together to one side rather than spreading equidistantly.

3rd October 2016


  • Hillier Manual of Trees and Shrubs, 8th edition 2014.