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Nerine 'Angela Limerick'

14th September 2021

In 1960 the RHS gave it an Award of Merit. The description reads:

"Nerine 'Angela Limerick' A.M. September 27, 1960. This very attractive variety has good-sized umbels of bright Dutch vermillion flowers borne on stout stems. The parentage of this plant is unknown but it was raised at Borde Hill. Raised, introduced and shown by Sir Ralph Clarke, K.B.E. (gr. Mr.Brian Doe), Borde Hill, Haywards Heath."

Tony Norris says:

"Mid-season bright scarlet with 11 pedicels on a 16 inches stem and a good head."

Lady Limerick was a Lady-in-waiting for the Queen and a friend of Lady Clarke's.


  • N. R. Brown, 'Reproductive Biology of Nerine' PhD Thesis, University of Tasmania, 1999.
  • Tony Norris, Nerine Nurseries Catalogue, 1979-80.
  • Dr. John David, pers.comm.
  • Journal of the Royal Horticultural Society, 1960. Vol.85, part.12, p529.