Nerine 'Christmas Dreams'
Archive entry 26.12.03
Archive entry 29.12.19
Archive entry 20.12.20
Archive entry 26.12.21
Archive entry 22.12.24
25th November 2018
Sir Peter Smithers raised and named the remarkable N. 'Dreams', a strong growing plant with scarlet-orange flowers
carrying up to 22 florets in a tight head. Other seedlings from his breeding that showed promise and that had not been named after people were named in the "Dreams" series.
This does not mean that they were related, just that they showed promise. I assume that 'Christmas Dreams' is one such seedling.
It is a very late flowering cultivar with small florets and heavily crisped tepals, that blooms in December. It seems to be a cultivar of N.x versicolor.
1st January 2022
Sir Peter Smithers, The Plantsman, vol.12, 1990