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Oncidium noezlianum

1st October 2022

A red flowered Oncidium from the Andes in Peru and Bolivia, where it can grow at altitudes up to 3,500m. Some of the Oncidium are cold tolerant and I thought that this was worth a try in the warmest part oif the greenhouse. Frost is possible but quite light and unlikely to last. To be sure that it had a fair test I put it out there in May so that it had a full growing season to settle in.

15th January 2023

Unfortunately in December we sufferered the most severe radiation frosts for many years. The greenhouse remained about freezing, but plants exposed to the sky were seriously damaged. I do not believe that it can recover from this. I am feeling very stupid because I wasn't fast enough to cover the plants with some fleece which may well have saved it. Damage in the greenhouse was very patchy, I don't think much protection would have been necessary.