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Parodia schumanniana ssp. claviceps

4th October 2014 12th July 2018 20th July 2019 24th June 2020 25th July 2022

21st May 2023

One of the largest species in the genus from southern Brazil (Rio Grande do Sul), and north eastern Argentina where it grows at mederately low altitudes, up to about 700m. however it seems to be tolerant of frost in cultivation, at least in the greenhouse. I'm not sure how it would do outside, I planted one but a rabbit ate it.
The subspecies ssp. claviceps is slightly smaller growing, rarely exdceeding 50cm while they type subspecies can form a column up to 1.8m tall and is recorded as endangered.
Another Parodia that I am very fond of. It is big without being impossible. The large pale flowers in summer are a delight.

  • Llifle Encyclopoedsia of Cacti, http://www.llifle.com/Encyclopedia/CACTI/Family/Cactaceae/1141/Parodia_schumanniana (Accessed 21.05.2023).
  • Cactus in Habitat, http://www.cactusinhabitat.org/index.php?p=specie&id=92&l=en (Accessed 21.05.2023).