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Parodia warasii

24th October 2015

A small growing globular cactus, I enjoyed it as a group in a large tub but as they got larger they lost some of their charm and became ungainly. In the end I gave them away because they didn't seem to offer anything distinctive to the collection.
It has a very small distribution in Brazil (Rio Grande do Sul) but it is locally abundant, growing in rock cracks in mixed forest. The main threats seem to come from landslides and agriculture encroaching on its natural habitat.

21st August 2018 27th July 2019 20th June 2021

  • Llifle Encyclopedia of Cacti, http://www.llifle.com/Encyclopedia/CACTI/Family/Cactaceae/11865/Parodia_warasii (accessed 21.05.2023).