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Pelargonium endlicherianum

Archive entry 20.07.08
Archive entry 28.06.09
Archive entry 04.07.10

20th July 2006

A species that I first grew many years ago. At the time, it was the only Pelargonium species I knew with a reputation for hardiness. I am not quite sure what I did to kill it - one day it was just dead. I was unable to find anyone with a plant available, but managed to germinate a single seed from the AGS seed distribution. If it is actually hardy, then I will still have it next spring!
A species from the Turkish steppes, in habitat it experiences hot summers and dry winters. I manage a vague approximation of that in the greenhouse though I can't manage big skies and wide open horizons.
Further experience has shown that with me it is a short lived perennial. I haven't managed to propagate it from cuttings, though I am sure it is possible. It comes easily from seed and the seed is freely produced so propagation is not a problem.

15th August 2007

20th July 2008

It has grown substantially, but it now needs repotting or it will waste away.

28th June 2009 11th July 2010 18th July 2019