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Pelargonium luridum

11th August 2008

A rather succulent species from South Eastern Africa which produces a little fat caudex at ground level. The strange pinkish flowers are produced on short stems. I am not sure how hardy it will be, at present I am keeping it dry under cover, but I should probably bring the spare seedling into somewhere a bit warmer, just in case!
A widespread species in the grasslands of southern Africa (South Africa, Lesotho, Swaziland, Mozambique, Zimbabwe, Angola, Zanmbia, Democratic Republic of Congo, Malawi and Tanzania).

10th January 2009

Five months later and nothing much has changed. This was unfortunately the last picture I took of the plant. Shortly afterwards the frost descended and destroyed it with a finality that does at least clarify the issue of hardiness - insufficient!


  • SANBI, Plantzafrica, https://pza.sanbi.org/pelargonium-luridum (accessed 26th May 2023).