Peliosanthes caesia 'BSWJ 5183'
29th March 2006
A curious little plant, I have been hoping to get for years, but it turned up this morning in a box, and
I am delighted.
Originating in north Thailand, I adore this tiny little scrap of inconsequence.
Not looking at its very best in this pictuire, it has grown in beauty and stature. All of the species have similar broad leaves marked with parallel corrugations.
The genus consists of from one to eighteen species, depending on who you listen to, recent taxonomic works suggests the latter figure.
30th November 2008
There is something very satisfying in watching a plant grow so well in a pot!
This collection from Doi Muser in northern Thailand has now been identified as a new species, Peliosanthes caesia, and not P.monticola, the name under which it was introduced.
7th June 2009 |
25th June 2016 |
11th June 2020 |