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Pellaea viridis

28th November 2008

I was very taken with this bright green fern when I saw it, and although it has a warning attached, that it might not be all that hardy, it was worth trying.
Native to Yemen, much of Africa and India which hints at a lack of hardiness, it has become an invasive species in Australia. A selection from 4,200ft altitude in South Africa called 'McLear' has grown well outside in North Carolina, so it is possible that plants from a suitable provenance will prove hardy in the UK.

10th January 2009

  • Wikipedia, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pellaea_viridis (accessed 31.05.2023).
  • Plant Delights Nursery, https://www.plantdelights.com/products/pellaea-viridis-mclear (accessed 31.05.2023).