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Philadelphus x lemoinei

Archive entry 24.06.18

22nd July 2012

The majority of the Philadelphus grown in gardens were produced by Victor Lemoine (1823-1912) working in Nancy, France. In 1883 he received a plant of P.microphyllus from the USA and started crossing it with P.coronarius to produce P. x lemoinei. He named a number of clones, and this may be the original P.x lemoinei 'Lemoinei' or it may just be a seedling. The original was introduced in 1888, so he didn't waste any time.
Lemoine went on to hybridise his plants with almost any other species he could lay his hands on and named dozens of cultivars, tall, short, large flowers, small, single, double - he raised them all and they are still among the best cultivars available.
I take delight in his invention. It might be quite fun to fill this corner of the garden with his perfumed history.

23rd June 2018

23rd June 2023