Phygelius x rectus 'Devils Tears'
Archive entry 21.08.11
26th August 2007
Phygelius breeding has explored the full range from yellow to orange and back again. Modern breeders introduce new variations and new names
(and to be fair, they are become more compact and more floriferous) that fully exploit the yellow - orange spectrum.
Raised in 1985 by Peter Dummer at Hilliers Nursery in Winchester from a cross between P. x rectus 'Winchester Fanfare' and P. capensis 'Coccineus'.
In an article in 'The Plantsman' vol.9 part.4 (1989 RHS) Allen Coombes wrote:
"So named because of the deep red, drop-like opening flowers, this is the deepest coloured of any of the forms so far selected. The corolla is pendulous in bud,
slightly inclined towards the stem when open and somewhat upwards turned towards the mouth which is similar in shape to that of P. capensis ie,
irregular but with less reflexed lobes. The tube is deep reddish pink (red group 45D), deeper in bud (red group 53B) with orange red lobes (red group 46B).
The inflorescence is tall, open and usually many sided. Leaves dark green, rather wavy edged, 9.6 by 4.1cm, peduncles 4.45cm, panicle 46.6cm, plant 1.2m high, 1.6, across."
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