Pieris formosa forrestii
Archive entry 13.04.08
Archive entry 12.02.12
21st May 2006
A large evergreen shrub with the usual delightful white flowers and the expected scarlet foliage in spring.
P. formosa is a variable species with a wide distribution. The variety P. f. var forrestii may not be particularly distinct.
The original seed was collected by George Forrest in the Tali range in Yunnan during his 1904-06 expedition.
As I grow it, plants are slightly shorter and more spreading. The flowers have a purer white appearance and the new growth is brighter,
however the distinctions may relate to selections made in cultivation and not to the appearance of a natural population.
1st March 2009 |
12th February 2012 |
11th May 2018 |
28th April 2023
International Dendrology Society, Trees and Shrubs Online, https://treesandshrubsonline.org