Pieris formosa 'Wakehurst'
28th April 2006
The 'Wakehurst' form of P.formosa has much brighter red growth than the general run of the species, and yet still makes a large shrub or small tree (in time).
It also has a butch muscularity about it, that is missing from some of the finer leaved forms.
A large growing shrub that develops a chlorotic look as the seasaon progresses. It is also one of the brightest when covered with red new growth, the two phenomena
may not be unconnected. Received a First Class Certificate when shown to the RHS in 1930 by Gerald Loder of Wakehurst Place, the origin of the clone is not known for certain.
7th May 2016 |
11th May 2017 |
15th May 2021 |
International Dendrology Society, Trees and Shrubs Online, https://treesandshrubsonline.org