Pieris japonica 'Dorothy Wyckoff'
Archive entry 07.03.21
Archive entry 02.03.25
20th March 2015
Another one of the "old ones" that I grew decades ago and have replaced recently.
Dark inflorescences through the winter open to long racemes of white flowers with dark calyces. Growing to about 2m tall. Introduced to commerce by H. J. Hohman of Kingsville, Maryland in 1960.
17th May 2018 |
14th May 2019 |
International Dendrology Society, Trees and Shrubs Online, https://treesandshrubsonline.org
The Hillier Manual of Trees and Shrubs, RHS, Eighth Edition 2014.
Bond, John "Pieris - a survey." The Plantsman, vol.4 part.2 1982.
JRHS, vol.121 part.5 (1996).
RHS, The New Plantsman, vol.8 part.3 (2001).