'Valley Valentine' is the darkest red flowering Pieris currently available.
I planted this one in 2011 and it hasn't flowered since ... which is my pathetic excuse for forgetting I had it
and buying another one in 2014.
A very dark red flowered selection raised by Dr R. L. Ticknor at the University of Oregon's North Willamotte Research Station. It is a seedling obtained by crossing
P.j. 'Flamingo' and P. j. 'Valley Rose'.
17th March 2018
2nd March 2021
This is a poor picture, but it records the fact that I finally got it planted in the garden.
International Dendrology Society, Trees and Shrubs Online, https://treesandshrubsonline.org
The Hillier Manual of Trees and Shrubs, RHS, Eighth Edition 2014.