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Pitcairnia flammea var glabrior

7th December 2013

The last book I bought on the subject was Werner Rauh's 'Bromeliads for home and garden', Blandford Press, 1979. I was a happy-go-lucky student who chose to spend the £18 he had for books that term on this single volume and during the following years it has repeatedly guided me through the complexities of Bromeliad taxonomy.
Unfortunately it has nothing to offer on the subject of P. flammea and the most useful thing I can find online is theplantlist.org's standard " ...is an accepted name..." and a Wikipedia picture of orange flowers.
That will have to do for now.
The Australian Bromeliad Society website says:

"Leaves glabrous.
Inflorescence dense, at least toward apex, many-flowered, remaining pale; axis glabrous. Petals red."
DISTRIBUTION. Saxicolous, 600-1600 m alt, east central Brazil.

Jay Vanini adds from the San Frasisco Bay area:

"from rocky outcrops in lowland forest remnants of coastal Parana and Rio de Janiero states in southeastern Brazil... This plant has been subjected to multiple winters outdoors and has experience temperatures below 32 degrees F with little damage to the leaves."

19th September 2014


  • Australian Bromeliad Society website, http://www.bromeliad.org.au/pictures/Pitcairnia/flammeaVglabrior.htm#:~:text=Pitcairnia%20flammea%20var%20glabrior,Petals%20red. (accessed 02.09.2023).
  • Jay Vanini website, https://www.exoticaesoterica.com/magazine/theyre-the-pits. (accessed 02.09.2023).