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Pinguicula longifolia ssp. longifolia

24th June 1981 24th June 1981 24th June 1981 24th June 1981 24th June 1981
I think that this is the most beautiful and unexpected of the Pinguiculas. It grows in the Pyrenees on both sides of the border. I have only seen it on the French side. The Spanish populations are said to less accessible.
Photographed near Gavarnie in the French Pyrennees.

24th June 1981 24th June 1981 24th June 1981
Plants in this population were very variable. All had large showy flowers, but the shade of purple and the size of the white throat varied widely. The dark rock has a film of spring water running down it , and supports a population of Pinguicula. The pale rock is dry as dust, and does not.

11th May 2013 11th May 2013 25th May 2013 2nd May 2015