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Pinguicula vallisneriifolia

Archive entry 29.04.07

1981 2nd July 2006 1st May 2007 30th April 2007 23rd April 2008
I was given a small resting bud in the winter of 1980, and it flowered the following summer, and at the end of summer started to produce its characteristic long linear leaves.
A charming plant with a very restricted distribution in southern Spain, it resented my winter treatment of it and got weaker and weaker until it finally expired in 1983.

4th September 2007 13th May 2012 25th May 2013
A species from the south of Spain, in the Prov. de Jaen where it grows on vertical limestone walls in very wet conditions.

5th May 2012


  • A World of Pinguicula, http://www.pinguicula.org (accessed 11.09.2023)